Tuesday, July 24, 2007

The Buyer

For the buyer, love is some kind of commercial trade, not so different from what makes Divisoria so noisy: "I give you what you want, but give me what I need".

Lavishness is the buyers mark: from Swiss chocolates to flashy jewelry, from designer clothes to fancy restaurants. Giving is only one side to him. Showing off is another. He often displays his flashy car, casually mentions his new real property and stocks acquisitions, mutters about the next trip to Hong Kong, and delights in all subtle. "I have money take all these have one message. I can give you more".

The buyer is perfect for the selfish girls who are willing to give anything just to hitch a ride to the "good" life. The buyer however may end up broke with the taker. The cunning girl will just accept what he gives, without giving anything in return.

Even if he has good intentions, the buyer is likely to offend many nice girls whose idea of good romance is least connected with grand and fabulous gifts and gimiks.

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