Monday, July 23, 2007

Nascence stage of MY BLOG

This is my first blog ever.It's called "The Wacky Wicked Way of Courtship". Wanna ask why?...First,It's because I know that now a days many people especially teenagers are having relationship in their young ages.Second,it's because we are now living in a practical world wherein most people wouldn't live without having a relationship in an opposite sex...Isn't it right?:-p,Lastly,this blog of mine refers to the qoute "No man is an island",which means people couldn't live on its own..And that's reality.(n_n)
I also created this blog inorder for the reader(especially the men)to relate what manner/type they are using in terms of courting a women,and for those who doesn't know yet what courting process looks like,just read this blog and maybe it could help you come up with an idea on how you should court your girl..(^_^)

1 comment:

Dante said...

Nice Post. Keep it up.